Murujuga Commercial News
MCL Registers with Supply Nation
MCL is pleased to announce that it has been accepted as a Supply Nation registered Business. Supply Nation provides Australia’s […]
Read MoreMCL is pleased to announce that it has been accepted as a Supply Nation registered Business. Supply Nation provides Australia’s […]
Read MoreNgurra, nganana milbama nhurdu, nagulgu nyinghu.
Nganana ganjaru nhurdu jibarra-bura, nhurdu manjanngu-bura, mirnumaalgu nyinghu ngurra.
Mirda waiyagardi, mirda winbayi nganana, wababa barni nganana... NGURRA!
Ngurra-ra, ngayintharri gumawarni ngurrangga.
Garnagarrima nhawayi nha ngurra, gaynjagayi ha marngurlarra/manjanggu-ngali/wajballa mirnurwarni nyinda ngurra.
Mirda yarragayi ngayintharri, mirda mangguwayi, waba barnima... NGURRA-RA!
Country, I come to this place, to visit you.
I bring this whitefellas, this stranger mob, to learn about you country.
Don't be worried, don't chase/follow us, be good to us... COUNTRY!